Feb Club Emeritus 2010

  • 03 Feb 2010
  • 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • The Firehouse, 3 Cromwell Road, London SW7 2HR (across from Natural History Museum)
Feb Club Emeritus 2008 started it all.  FCE 2009 took it to the next level.  Now, it's time to do it again.  Last year, over 5,000 Yale alums from the classes of 1941-2008 got together over February's 28 nights, in 62 cities on 6 continents around the globe for a series of informal, fun parties of every size, shape and theme. 

2010 should be bigger and better than ever, with over 70 cities already hosting events. In fact, so many cities internationally are taking part that last year's "International Night" has been split into two nights, with London taking part in the first of the two on 3 February.

"It felt like a Yale party, not just a get-together at some club or bar"

Words spoken by a Feb Club attendee that pretty much say it all.  What is Feb Club Emeritus?  Nothing complicated.  Simply a series of multi-generational parties every night from February 1-28, in cities, towns, and incorporated entities around the world where Yale alums, significant others, friends, relatives, and random party-crashers who answer the question "what college were you in?" with "business" get together in a relaxed, informal setting just to have fun with a group of people who share something in common.

Venue details will be announced closer to the time.  In the meantime, check out the FCE website at http://febclub.webs.com/ and register your interest!

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