For over 50 years, the Yale Club of London has been fostering connections among UK-based alumni.

The Yale Club of London is an independent club created by and for the UK-based alumni of Yale University.

Membership is open to alumni of Yale College and the Graduate and Professional Schools, and current Yale students. We are not supported by the University, but retain strong ties across a variety of activities.

For historical reasons, we are called the Yale Club of London, but we operate as the Yale Club of the UK, and have groups in Cambridge, Oxford and Scotland.  As the YCL is a volunteer-led organisation, the level of activity in each of these regions is in direct alignment with member interest. Structurally, the YCL is very informal and un-hierarchical, with a large Management Committee comprised of volunteers, each of whom leads an activity of interest to them, supported by the President, Secretary and Treasurer.  Everyone is welcome to attend meetings and listen in on calls: see the calendar if you’d like to join in.

We are always keen to hear from alumni: whether you are in town for only a day or relocating permanently, you will find a friendly welcome.  We are also always pleased to hear about new ideas for events.  Check out the other pages on the website and the Calendar.  If you have an idea, get in touch.

Hope to hear from you soon!

- The YCL Team

  • Anica Alvarez Nishio


    Anica has supported the YCL in a number of ways and is pleased to now serve as President. She is a graduate of Yale College.


  • Tom Chmielewski


    Tom is the newly appointed Secretary of the Club and a graduate of Yale College.


  • Marco Severi


    Marco is a graduate of the Yale School of Management and is YCL Treasurer.
