Yale in Cambridge

Yale in Cambridge brings together Yalies studying, working, residing nearby or associated with Cambridge.

Linking the fine musical traditions of the two universities, in September 2018 Amy Klohr and Markus Gehring hosted our inaugural event, a recital by Vera Duo. Using a variety of contemporary and historic instruments, Yale student and faculty musicians Mark Bailey (Baroque Viola) and Kevin Sherwin (Guitar) played music spanning several centuries, interlaced with narrative about the origins of each.  The audience of 70+ proceeded from recital to drinks reception, and a group continued the conversation over dinner.  Seven new alumni connections were made that night, and the event launched what the first of a number of events (picnics, pub nights, etc.) bringing together the Yale and Cambridge communities.

Please note: As Yalies move in and out of Cambridge regularly, we are always looking for people to organise events and bring together new arrivals. If you have an idea, the YCL can help support you, and often will underwrite some of the costs. If would be willing to help at an event, do please get in touch.