Adam Kingl '94
Tuesday, 16 June 2020 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Virtual event
YCL Members: Free
The YCL is pleased to invite you to an event hosted by Sauder Business School of the University of British Columbia.
Generation Y (Millennials) have very different views about work, life, careers and leadership that are wholly unfamiliar to older generations. The recession of a decade ago taught us that the selective hiring and generous development of key talent was one of the most effective responses to the crisis. Amidst COVID today, therefore, it’s necessary to leverage talent strategies that work for Gen Y, who compose half the global workforce. Understanding Gen Y also offers a profound perspective on how the practice of ‘work’ will change in the future. Author, educator, keynote speaker and advisor Adam Kingl has been researching this topic for a decade, which has just culminated in a book, Next Generation Leadership. In this webinar, he will share some of the more surprising findings and peer into the future to answer: If Gen Y have very different paradigms than those who came before, then what will our companies look like when the Ys start to lead?
More about Adam Kingl '94:
And his book:
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